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[D2R Non-Ladder] The Gladiator's Bane

Market price: $0.52
Our Registered users: $0.45
VIP - Silver: $0.44
VIP - Gold: $0.43
VIP - Platinum: $0.42


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Defense: 1255-1496 (varies)(Base Defense: 375-481)
Required Level: 85
Required Strength: 111
Durability: 135
+150-200% Enhanced Defense (varies)
+50 Defense
Cannot Be Frozen
30% Faster Hit Recovery
Poison Length Reduced By 50%
Attacker Takes Damage Of 20
Damage Reduced By 15-20 (varies)
Magic Damage Reduced By 15-20 (varies)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)














Some gameplay tips:



About attribute "Damage Reduced By X (integer)"


"Damage Reduced By 15-20" is one of the attributes of The Gladiator's Bane. Unlike "Damage Reduced By 35%“ of Stormshield, here, the reduction is not a percentage, but an integer.


Although not written explicitly, both of them only apply to physical damage, not elemental damage nor poison damage.


When the physical damage is a big number, for example, 500. if 35% reduction, it is 325. if reduced by 20, it is 480. So "Damage Reduced By Y (percent)" is useful for a big physical damage.


When the physcal damage is a small number, for example, 25 per hit (20 hits, total damage 500). if 35% reduction, it is 16 per hit (20 hits, total damage 320). If reduced by 20, it is 5 per hit (20 hits, total damage 100). Sl "Damage Reduced By X (integer)" is useful for small but frequent physical damages.


Knowing this helps with killing Nihlathak in Act 5. Nihlathak is dangerous for a variety of reasons. One big threat is the "Poison Cloud" generated by Claw Vipers around Nihlathak. It's a bug. A character may lose all of his life in a second. Although it appears to be poison damage, in fact, it is physical damage. The damage is calculated by frames. So although the damage of a single hit is small (usually less than 60), there are so many hits in a single second (25 frames per second) and the total damage is very high.


To deal with it, it is best to stack "Damage Reduction By X (integer)". When stacked to about 60, it's not a threat any more.



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