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[D2R Non-Ladder] Custom Character - Any Class - Level 95

Market price: $17.08
Our Registered users: $14.85
VIP - Silver: $14.55
VIP - Gold: $14.26
VIP - Platinum: $13.96


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Your hero will be in Hell Act 5 with all stat points and skill points unused.

Please create the account & character and provide the following information in the payment note when you check out:

Account Name
Account Password
Character Name
Character Class

Please don't leave any items in the character. We will not be responsbile for the disappearance of any items.

You will receive an email as soon as the leveling service is done. Please don't access the character being leveled up until it's finished. You may play other characters in the same account though.

To protect your account and password, please change the password after the leveling service is done.

The leveling service will be done in 3 days.











Some gameplay tips:



 How is experience gain calculated in Diablo 2?


(1) First, monster experience is calculated.


Baal is used as an example. Baal in Hell difficulty gives 4,536,276 experience in a single player game. If in a multiplayer game, the experience is:


Total Experience = Base Experience * (n+1) / 2


n = number of players in game (it does not matter if not partied, nor nearby)


So in a full game (8 players), Baal is supposed to give 4,536,276*(8+1)/2 = 20,413,242 experince.



(2) Second, the total experience is devided among certain players in game.


We call the character that actually kills the monster Killer. 


Only party members of the Killer within 2 screens of the monster killed receive experience. We call those party members Leech Party Members.


And the experience is divided as follows:


Experience = Total Experience From Step 1 * (1 + 35% * Number of Leech Party Members) * (Character Level / Sum of Character Levels of All Party Members that Receive Experience).


So, if there are 8 players in the game, 2 players in Act 1, 2 players in Town, 1 player in Throne of Destruction and 3 players in Baal's Chamber. The first 5 players don't receive any experience from Baal. Only the last 3 players in Baal's Chamber receive experience. If their levels are all 98 level, then any of them receives 20,413,242 * (1+35%*2) * (98/(98+98+98)) = 11,567,502 experience.


(3) Third, there might be a penalty depending on the level difference of character level and monster level.


If character level is 25 or higher, the experience gain is modified by a modifier as below:


Character Level - Monster Level Experience Modifier %
<= 0  Character Level / Monster Level
1-5 100
6 81
7 62
8 43
9 24
>= 10 5


If the Character Level is under 25 level, the chart is different:


Character Level - Monster Level Experience %
<= -10 2
-9 15
-8 36
-7 68
-6 88
-5 to 5 100
6 81
7 62
8 43
9 24
10 5




In this scenario, Character Level is 98, so the first chart is used. Monster Level of Baal is 99, so experience is 11,567,502 * (98/99) = 11,450,660


(4) Then, there is another penaty based on Character Level if Character Level is 70 level or higher.


Character Level Experience %
70 95.31
71 90.63
72 85.94
73 81.25
74 76.56
75 71.88
76 67.19
77 62.50
78 57.81
79 53.13
80 48.44
81 43.75
82 39.06
83 34.38
84 29.69
85 25.00
86 18.75
87 14.06
88 10.55
89 7.91
90 5.96
91 4.49
92 3.42
93 2.54
94 1.95
95 1.46
96 1.07
97 0.78
98 0.59


In this scenario, the 98 level character receives 11,450,660 * 0.59% = 67,558 experience.


(5) Finally, other modifiers are applied, such as Experience Shrine, Extra Experience Gain from Items (Ondal's Wisdom Staff or Annihilus Small Charm)


Final Experience = Experience from Step 4 * (1 + Sum of Experience Shrine and Extra Experience from Items)


If the character has an 10% Extra Experience Annihilus small charm in inventory and does not use an Experience Shrine, then the final experience gain is 67,558 * (1+10%) = 74,314


That's the final/actual experience received.

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